Bongo Config
i3 Config - is an app for smart phones and tablets that enables to create and edit control projects. This tool enables to:
- Create projects - the app has an intuitive interface and enables to create a project in a couple of minutes.
- Edit projects - with i3 Config on a tablet an integrator can edit a project at any place at any time. After editing a project is saved in iRidium Cloud and a user gets a notification that the projects is changed and a user has to update it.
- Test projects - the app has a mode for testing projects. In this mode integrators can launch projects on their panels without using additional software to test its work.
- Save projects in the cloud - When saving a project i3 lite makes a back-up copy in the cloud.
- Download projetcs from the cloud - If a project is lost or a new control panel is used an integrator can download from iRidium Cloud copies of all projects and work with them.
Start of work
i3 Config is available for download at App Store and Google Market. To work in the app an integrator must have full registration at www.iridiummobile.net. When the app is launched for the first time, it will ask an integrator to authorize. To get authorization use authorization data of the account at www.iridiummobile.net. !!!Поставить скрин авторизации в конфиге!!!
After successful authorization an integrator sees the main window of the app, where he can:
- Create a new project
- Download a project from the cloud
- Edit a project
!!!picture of the main window!!!
Creating a new project
To create a new project, choose "Create new project" in the main menu and input the name of the project. The created project will appear in the list of projects.
Downloading a project from the cloud
All created projects automatically get into the cloud. If an integrator uses a new device to work in i3 lite, all projects created before can be restored from the cloud. To do it, go to "Cloud" section, you'll find there all projects made by you. To download a project onto a panel, choose the required project and in the window that appears choose "Download Project".
Editing a project
To start editing a project choose the required project in the list of projects. Each project has a number of properties that can be edited.
- Project name - is a name of a project that is displayed on a device and in the cloud.
- Project icon - is an icon of a project in the list of projects.
- Project style - The graphical style of the interface can be changed by both an integrator and an end-user.
- Users and devices - An integrator can change a user's project from a control panel, by entering his login in "Invite user field". In this field an integrator can see a list of panles where the project was downloaded and edited.
!!!картинка свойств проекта!!!
Creating project sctructure
The first thing to do is to create the structure of an automation object: the number of floors, their names, names of rooms and where they are located. The created structure can be edited later. To create floors go to Floors section and choose add new floor. In the window that appers enter the floor name and choose an icon for the floor. !!!Картинка создания этажей!!! After a list of floors is created go to Rooms section and create a list of rooms in the project. To create a new room choose add new room in the menu. In the window that appears enter the name of a new room, choose a room icon and indicate which floor the new room belongs to. !!!Картинка создания комнат!!!
Adding devices
When the structure is created add to the project modules to control devices and place them in the created rooms. There are 3 types od adding devices to a project:
- Auto search and addition of modules. To find devices automatically go to "Devices" section and choose Scan Home Network.
In the window that appers you'll see a list of devices that can be found automatically. After choosing any item in this list, the local network is scanned and devices of the selected type are found. A universal scanner is planned to be developed in the future to fins any devics in the local net.
- Auto formation of a control module for Global Caché devices. i3 lite supports Global Caché devices to control equipement via IR. (GC-12, GC-06, iTach IP2IR, iTach WF2IR are supported.) After selecting this item a window appers that offers a choice of Global Caché devices. To create a remote to cotrol a device, select one of the Global Caché devices and indicate what "output" the IR-eye or the IR-blaster is connected to. After this i3 lite will ask to enter some device data that are required to contol.
- 'Type of device: choose a type of devices from the list of available ones. For example, a TV set.
- 'Manufacturer of device: choose the comany name of the manufacturer of the device.
- 'Model of device: choose the model of yout device from the list of available ones.
When all parameters are input i3 lite automatically creates a remote control to control your device and will add it to the list of added devices.
- Manual addition of devices. Some devices can't be found automatically, that's why Add device manualy mode was created. To add a device manually go to Add device manualy section. After i3 lite shows a list of available devices, select one of them and enter net and system (if any) parameters of the device.
Control of devices
In Devices tab you can see a list of all devices, added to the project. !!!скрин добавленных устройств!!! To edit parameters of a device, select the required device sub-device in the list. A window with device parameters will apper. !!!Скрин с параментарми устройства!!! Every sub-device had the following parameters:
- Model - model of device
- Type - type of device
- About - information about a module developer
- Location - list of rooms, that is affected by a device.
- Version - version of a module
- Set of system parameters - some modules have a unique set of parameters to fill in. For example zip-code for a weather module.
- Set of widgets - every sub-device must have one or more widgets. During project setting you can choose widgets that will be displayed in the project. You can also set display of different widgets in the rooms. Each widget has its own set of properties.
- Name - is a name that is displayed on a widget in a project. It can be changed.
- Version - is a version of a widget
- Position - is a place where widget is located
- Preview - is what a project looks like.
Project upload into the cloud
When a project is made and created, it must be uploaded into the cloud to pay for the license and give the project to the user. To upload a project into the cloud, go to Cloud section and select Upload to Cloud. After this a project is saved in the cloud and an automation object is created in the integrator's account.
Giving a project to the user
After a project is uploaded into the cloud, a integrator can send an end-user a link to download the project. To do it, open a project, go to General tab and select users and panels section. Select Invite user and in the window that appers enter i3 lite user's login. When this is done, a link to project download is sent to the user. In this section an integrator can also see a list of panels that use this project. An integrator, as an administrator, can delete panels from this list to save place for other panels in the license. Подробнее о системе лицензирования